Thursday, August 13, 2009
What info would you share with IT Execs?
Jeffrey Levy at EPA, Michelle Springer at the Library of Congress and I will explore social media questions that face managers and executives everywhere – What’s the big deal? What else is being done? What policy? What next?
There is a lot of ground to cover, so we want to provide information that will be useful after the session. In the spirit of social media, we need your help in creating meaningful handouts for the session.
What type of information would you find useful as an IT leader? For those of us who aren’t in the IT shop, what conversations have helped communicators, web managers and tech shops move ideas forward?
A few ideas we had to get the conversation going:
• Social Media Subcouncil links and resources
• Federal Web Managers Council paper on barriers and solutions to Implementing Social Media in Gov
• Negotiated Federal Government Terms of Service Agreements
• What else?
Now it’s your turn. Let us know before August 24th what you think we should include in our social media handout!
Amanda Eamich is the Acting Director of New Media at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
What are the "Rules of Engagement" for Twitter?
On a recent episode of Government 2.0 Radio, the point was raised that government agencies are now listening to the conversation happening online, but there's still some hesitancy to actually engage in conversation.
Questions come to mind about whom to follow and when to engage in the conversation. Twitter is no different than any other social media tool: how you use it really depends on your communication goals.
For the Massachusetts Governor's Office, the rules of engagement are clear, and posted right online.
To paraphrase:
-They follow people who follow them.
-They use Twitter to connect citizens with government and to get feedback.
-They review and update "as much as possible", along with other channels of feedback, outreach and engagement.
-They explain how the feedback they receive on Twitter is incorporated in the same way as feedback they receive through more conventional channels.
Some agencies have yet to take the plunge into full engagement. They aren't following anyone. They may be monitoring @ replies, but are not responding directly to them in the public forum. Although this cautious approach may be appropriate under certain circumstances, does it send the wrong message about openness and willingness to engage?
There are probably 101 uses for Twitter, so there's probably no 100% correct answer here. In establishing best practices for Twitter use by government entities, we want to consider all factors.
The Social Media Subcouncil asks you: what are your rules of engagement? How do you use Twitter, and how do you engage with followers?
Marilyn Clark is the Manager of Online Communications and Services for the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and a member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on Twitter or GovLoop.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Focusing Gov 2.0 Within
As a communications strategist, Dean knows how important it is to engage every audience. “When people think about social media, they assume communication always means external, but it’s not,” she explains. 90 percent of TSA’s workforce is in the field at airports of all sizes.
The Idea Factory is a great model to use when thinking about developing internal communication or collaboration tools.
If You Build it, They May Not Come
When you launch any new tool, education is key. People will have different levels of comfort and experience with web-based platforms. Instead of using comment cards people are now being asked to submit their ideas online.
Senior level buy in will only get you so far. “Change is often an inherent challenge in government,” said Dean. The communities that develop as a result of the Idea Factory are invaluable. A core community of users has evolved and officers are interacting more; contributors are known by name by officers in airports thousands of miles away.
Keep ‘Em Coming Back
TSA holds challenges for specific issues and offers awards for the best submission. Winners are recognized in a variety of ways and may be invited to DC to work on groups implementing the change, visited when officials are in the field or featured in the newsletter. The service has evolved over time and now features a newsletter for those most interested in what’s being voted on or adopted each week.
Let it Grow
Create a dynamic tool where users can contribute to the design. The Idea Factory posts surveys to see what officers and other TSA employees find most useful or want to see more of. The Department of Homeland Security, TSA’s older sibling, is even looking at using a similar tool in other areas of the department due to its success.
Consider Everything
Suggestions from small or large airports and HQ will likely differ. In Washington, I may not think that a bulletin board in the break room is a big deal but for officers who break at different times it means a lot. The Idea Factory’s voting function allows employees to decide what’s important to them. Practical suggestion and an easy fix.
As your organization moves further along the path towards Gov 2.0, don’t forget your colleagues. Some of the greatest innovation and creative energy is closer than you think. Just ask a TSA officer next time you fly.
Amanda Eamich is the Acting Director of New Media at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on Twitter or GovLoop
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mind the Gap
For the organizations that are adapting to the current state of communications and web presence, this can pose some challenges. Non-web experts who are familiar using social media tools may inform agency activities, non-public affairs types can develop content. So what?
New perspectives are great – until one side views the other as encroaching on their territory. Social media is supposed to be about leveling the playing field and providing access to organizations and information in a personal way. Expectations for engaging with the public is changing, a simple press release or Web site doesn’t always cut it. Now, consumers of information want access through various channels and on demand.
So why can’t we all just get it done?
I say the more people involved in different stages of the process, the merrier. Too often I find myself bogged down in routine response mode that I fail to see an issue in a new light. A fresh set of eyes and a new outlook can do wonders for an organization. Fresh perspective doesn’t have to be new blood - look within your own organization.
Bridge the gap – technical, web and content specialists should develop a relationship if one does not currently exist. As the saying goes, you are only as good as the weakest link. Every program that contributes to communication and social media strategies are equally important.
Without the technical platform there can be no message. Without the web team there can be no design. Without the content specialists, the well-designed channel would be empty.
If you haven’t worked with the other thirds (or fourths…) of the team, get together. You’d be surprised where you find common ground. You may even come up with a groundbreaking solution to a problem waiting for the few missing pieces to the puzzle.
Share your thoughts with the Social Media Subcouncil to help other organizations move forward in integrating Web 2.0 and traditional communication strategies. Visit the current list of best practices and governance models from government and the private sector. To stay up to date with the latest information, visit our wiki, follow us on Twitter , see us on GovLoop and take a look at the Social Media section of Webcontent.gov.
Amanda Eamich is the Acting Director of New Media at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on Twitter or GovLoop
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
So GSA Negotiated Terms of Service...Now What?
That so many agreements have been signed, and hopefully more will be coming, is great news for citizens, government agencies, and the providers, too. It chips away at a big part of a significant barrier to the federal government using the providers to connect with citizens where the citizens are, but it’s still just a first step.
Even though GSA has TOS in place that federal agencies can sign on to does not mean that anyone in any office can go to the provider’s website and open up an account like a private citizen normally would. The simplified process is that each agency will first have to sign the agreement with the provider (not every agency has done this as of yet). After that, each office or program will need to work through the regular chain of command and point of contact to establish the account with the provider.
Before you decide on the tool and after the account is established, remember something: It’s not the technology, it’s what we do with it that matters. Just because the door is open to using specific tools and channels to communicate with and engage our audiences does not mean that we should just for the sake of using them. While one program may be able to use a certain provider to great effect, a related program aimed at a different audience may be more effective using different methods.
One of the main reasons the Social Media Subcouncil exists is to create, collect, aggregate, and disseminate social media resources to assist government communication and web professionals use social media tools and providers effectively and consistently across government. We are here to help you better determine which channels will help you best connect with your audiences and how to use those channels most effectively. We haven’t gotten to everything yet, but we’re adding more and refining what we have all the time. So, please continue to read this blog, visit our wiki, follow us on Twitter , see us on GovLoop and take a look at the Social Media section of Webcontent.gov.
Jeremy Caplan is a Public Affairs Specialist at the International Trade Administration and a member of the Social Media Subcouncil.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Social media – To be or not to be…How to get management “to be”
“Management skepticism: If management doesn't believe in social media, then employees who have been told for years that public communication needs to be filtered will be hesitant to try out a new medium which requires them to speak openly. In this scenario, management needs to encourage and reward participation to make social media work. If they don't, it will fail.” Unfortunately, passion for social media alone won’t get the job accomplished. All your wonderful and enthusiastic ideas still need to pass the litmus test for the go ahead.
How can you help introduce the use of social media in your organization?
1.) Understand the “resisters” and “doubters”: Know what the true concerns of those who are not yet receptive to the use of social media tools. Is it a fear of change, lack of understanding of these tools, etc? Identify what the sources of resistance are and address them accordingly.
2.) Educate: Educate your audience on what the tools are and how each is used. Provide supporting evidence on how similar organizations are successfully using social media tools to help get the creative juices flowing on how your organization can adopt these ideas to suit its needs.
3.) Do your homework: There is nothing worse than presenting a case for something without having done your homework. Research the tools, know your facts, anticipate potential questions or comments, and be prepared to respond to questions or concerns. Bottom-line: present a solid case to your audience.
4.) Pilot Projects: Start off small with some demonstration projects in a part of your agency that is willing to experiment with a tool or two. Hopefully, these pilot projects are successful and you can use the results to help gain support.
5.) Present benefits of the tools: Back up your suggestions with some benefits that are important to management, such as efficiency, effectiveness, furthering the organizations missions, etc.
6.) Be honest- Don’t over “hype” the use of social media to win support. Be sincere on the pros and cons and limitations of tools.
Making the transition from “filtering” communication to engaging in the “open” arena of social media may seem like a daunting task for some organizations. However, with some preparation and the “good ole” power of persuasion the transition can be positive and valuable. Have any additional tips or success stories on how you introduced social media and new tools in your organization? We’d like to from you. Please share how you overcame the “resisters” and “doubters” in your organization.
Marie Ulysse is with the Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration. You can connect with her on GovLoop.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Up, Up, and Away! Five Tips for Launching an Internal Network
Wait a second.
Social media can make a big difference in the way your office works together and communicates, but it doesn’t just happen on its own once your coworkers all have usernames and passwords. Whether you’re using Facebook, Second Life, a wiki, or another platform, you need to have a solid plan to make your new internal network succeed.
Add Value. These platforms are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. As such, if the tool you have chosen is unlikely to actually improve communication and collaboration in your office, you probably don’t need it. Likewise, different tools have different purposes, so make sure you are using the right one.
Start Small. Nothing kills a new network faster than using it to take on too much, too soon. Set a discreet, simple objective with a short timeline, and make your objectives more ambitious as your office becomes more and more comfortable.
Provide Guidance. It doesn’t matter if your coworkers are from Generation X or The Greatest Generation. Either way, it’s a safe bet that they’ll benefit from – and appreciate – a set of brief but detailed instructions and best practices.
Get a Mandate. Many a promising initiative has died on the vine due to a lack of support from management. Your boss’s job isn’t done after he or she gives their initial approval. Rather, to ensure that everyone in your office participates, your boss needs to issue a mandate. After all, it’ll be next to impossible to get your coworkers – who are probably already burdened with multiple business processes and heavy workloads – to adopt a new tool “just because.”
Stick With It. In the perfect scenario, you turn the key and your new network takes off like a rocket. But even with a mandate from your boss, that’s unlikely to happen. Plan to promote participation with regular nudges and encouragements. If you’ve selected the right tool for the job – one that really adds value – your network or wiki will become a self-sustaining part of your new and improved office environment.
Zachariah Miller is a Presidential Management Fellow at the General Services Administration. You can connect with him on Twitter or GovLoop.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
I’m sure we all have similar stories, and hopefully we can learn from misguided courses that have been charted by others.
When it comes time to implement Web 2.0 tools to your overall strategy, it is really important that everyone involved fully understands what your agency is trying to accomplish before committing to any tool. Knowing your mission should always come first.
While organizations are eager to join the social media phenomena they first ask “what are we trying to accomplish?” and only after having a clear answer comes “Which tool is the most appropriate?” Comparing and differentiating between blogs, wikis, micro blogs, and forums may be like comparing apples to oranges in the eyes of a tech-savvy ‘social-media butterfly’; but for some it’s all Greek and therefore all the same
Choosing the appropriate tool means that users can effectively and efficiently accomplish the agency’s intended tasks. After all, you wouldn’t use a spreadsheet to write a book report; similarly you likely wouldn’t want to use a forum as a blog, or a micro blog as your means of RSS.
Misapplication of Web 2.0 tools can leave users feeling unengaged or even confused, resulting in miscommunication and abandonment. Like two ships passing in the night, neither are the wiser.
The importance of getting it right the first time around is two fold: [1] failure could create resistance in future Web 2.0 initiatives within your organization, and [2] most important, once you have lost the unengaged or, worse, disinterested users it’s more difficult to get them back on track.
In joining the Social Media Subcouncil, I’m working to help share experiences and shed light on important issues like identifying the right channel. Hopefully if you have any similar stories, start a discussion. Even better if you have a best practice or other guidance to share, we’d love to see that too. If you haven’t already, head over to our wiki and see what others are talking about!
Yaron Benjamin is a Web Developer/IT Specialist for the Defense Commissary Agency. You can connect with him on Twitter or GovLoop.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How much exposure can $25 buy you on Facebook?

I don't know if you have given much thought to using Ads on Facebook. I really hadn't, but got curious last week. We're not using Facebook at Housing and Urban Development yet, so I thought of another way to test this capability. I put on one of my other hats: I serve on a non-profit board working to save/preserve an 18'th century farm in my community and put together an ad on Facebook.
Creating an ad is extremely easy. There are three simple steps: 1) what is the title for the Ad? 2) What do you want to say (there's a 135 character limit: Twitter skills useful here!) 3) What image do you want to use?, and 4) Where should someone be directed when they click on your advertisement?
This took me all of about 15 minutes to do. Anyone who clicks on the ad will be redirected to the non-profit's website.
You pay with a credit card and can schedule when you want it to run, and what demographics to target (age, geography, key words, etc.), and give the ad run a "daily budget." You can choose between paying by the click or by impressions (in thousands of impressions). You "bid" on what rate you'll pay.
There are some rules regarding ad creation and some specific policies you have to follow. I don't know how our use of this advertising would relate to the agreement being negotiated with Facebook, but so far I'm intrigued. I know we at HUD will spend a significant amount of money doing targeted advertising through traditional media, and I'll have to see how this compares to those costs.
For this ad, I targeted all Facebook users over 18 living within 10 miles of
I set this up on a Wednesday night around midnight, it was approved by Facebook (they review every ad before it can run) and the ad began running at 4:00 a.m. Thursday morning. By 8:00 a.m. the ad had been shown 2,500 times and 2 people clicked through to the Goshen Farm website. So, I had spent $1 so far to get two people to visit our website. My daily budget was $5 a day for the next 5 days, with the "Campaign" ending Monday night at midnight.
This morning, I logged in to see the results. Over the last five days, the ad was shown 78,398 times to people who live within 10 miles of
This might sound like a lot of effort to drive 55 visitors to our website. But, when you consider in five days we drove more than double the number of visitors to our site as we get in a normal month, I was pretty pleased. And, I know that the people who clicked on this advertisement were exactly who we were looking to attract: people living within 10 miles of
Only time will tell if we generate any additional interest for our cause with this experiment. But, I can definitely see some broader uses in the future. The targeting capability is extremely useful. Let's say for instance, HUD were to establish a new program for Seniors: something like reverse mortgages. One of the avenues to get the message out could be to advertise on Facebook pages of all people in the
You might try some experiments with Facebook advertising as well. I'd love to hear from anyone who's tried this on a larger scale to see what the results were.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Gone #Camping: My 2.0 Experience of #gov20camp
The unfortunate budget realities in the State of California prevented me from traveling to Washington, D.C. last weekend to attend Government 2.0 Camp, but that didn't stop me from participating!
Thanks to live tweeting, I was able to follow the event from the very beginning to the very end (and then beyond, as presentations, videos and pictures continue to be added). And although I would have much rather been there to meet the thought leaders in person and experience the rockstars in the flesh, I've discovered posts like this one from GovLoop that reinforce the idea that the wisdom of the crowd can be disseminated rapidly... and in real time.
I participated. I retweeted. I shared my activities - for the benefit of my local followers and co-workers who are interested in the newest developments in social media for government. I cheered on my fellow sub-council members as they presented an overview of the Social Media Subcouncil. And then I retweeted some more.
The nearest to real-time experience I had was the Ask the White House session with Macon Philips and Bev Godwin. The audience was asking questions of Macon and the whirlwind implementation of social media tools like "Open for Questions", an open source online tool that lets citizens ask the Obama Administration questions. (I imagined most people's jaws dropped when Macon told everyone it was implemented in only eight days). Then the conversation shifted to how to measure citizen engagement.
And others had inspiring and amazing things to share. From my fellow subcouncil member, Amanda Eamich. From Steve Radick. From Jeffrey Levy. From Mixtmedia (and again, urging participants to take advantage of the opportunity to present solutions and advocate their positions on social media). It was pretty amazing to observe the interaction and the desire this crowd has to be heard in such an open forum - all from 3,000 miles away and through Twitter.
I'm in no way advocating that monitoring a twitter stream is the same as being there, but it does speak volumes to the possibilities for equity and participatory engagement of citizens and small agencies who may not have resources to attend. It also reinforces a vision for a global community working together to solve the world's problems.
I leave you with the words of Jeffrey Levy (co-chair of the Social Media Subcouncil): "Misson! Tool! Metrics! Teach!"
Marilyn Clark is the Manager of Online Communications and Services for the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) and a member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on Twitter or GovLoop.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Government 2.0 Un-Conference, Un-packed
110 sessions over two days addressed relevant, and sometimes tough, questions that our Subcouncil is working through. I was impressed by the enthusiasm and expertise brought to each session I attended. From exploring how Federal employees can use social media to achieve their mission, how to effectively engage communities to a session drafting a list of transparency objectives for the new administration, every 45-minute session was filled with rich and thought provoking discussion.
I loved that attendees not only represented the federal or private sector inside the Beltway; I had great conversations with Congressional staff, local and state government managers and non-profit organizations. Government 2.0 is not an exclusive club and we want to continue the conversation.
Jaqi Ross led a session about the Social Media Subcouncil where we fielded questions from the crowd. We shared information about how the Subcouncil was formed, who’s represented, where folks can find us online, what everyone’s role is, and why they should get involved. Stay tuned to the public wiki for a growing collection of comments and suggestions.
We heard about access issues from GSA representatives and a great open forum with Bev Godwin and unannounced attendee White House Director of New Media Macon Phillips. Their presence and interest our discussion is proof enough that our work is more important than ever.
Many of the Subcouncil members led discussions during individual sessions that generated a buzz still lingering in cyber-space. I can’t begin to talk about sessions without acknowledging Subcouncil co-chair Jeffrey Levy – one of the Government 2.0 Camp organizers. Not only did he help plan and run the event, he brought with him a commanding portfolio of lessons learned and words of wisdom to share with all that would listen.
With him, one of my public health colleagues Andrew Wilson of the Health and Human Services sat on a panel with General Service Administration leaders on how social media has helped reach mission goals such as reaching new communities, motivating citizens to participate in activities or informing the public in the event of a public health situation. A great case study on using social media in a public health event, Erin Edgerton at Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presented a case study on how they along with HHS agencies managed the peanut product recalls.
On the use of social media in public diplomacy and foreign affairs, Lovisa Williams was everywhere. She led and participated in a few sessions over the course of the barcamp and hopefully you were able to meet her. Hugely successful, Michelle Springer presented the Library of Congress Flikr Project as a case study on adding content to a public social media site and better understanding the impact social tagging and folksonomies.
Not surprising, employing Twitter as part of the overall mission or during a crisis situation was a popular topic. One of the Subcouncil’s state reps Julia Gregory covered one of these sessions along with Erin Malick at the Federal Trade Commission. The rate of expansion in this space is staggering and how different groups use the medium was interesting. Reinforced takeaway: It can be what you make of it.
After two days of talking all things social media and web 2.0 I left with wide eyes, a mind full of ideas and a pocket full of business cards. Even though these phenomena empower virtual connections and collaboration, it’s the people that matter most. If we didn’t meet this time around, it’s not too late.
Amanda Eamich is Director of Strategic Communications and New Media at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service and member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on Twitter or GovLoop
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Are you a social media practitioner, advocate, or enthusiast?
The Social Media Subcouncil is developing a volunteer Speakers Bureau to help spread the word about social media in government. We're looking for input and feedback on the materials we'll be using to solicit speakers. We're also sharing drafts of the content that will eventually appear on the Speakers Bureau website so that we can benefit from improvements offered by folks who are interested and knowledgeable about either social media or speakers bureaus (or both!).
If you're an experienced public speaker with a passion for social media... you can now:
- Comment on the Speaker application materials: are we asking the right questions?
- Share materials with us and our Bureau speakers - presentations, handouts, podcasts... you name it!
- Let us know how else you'd like to help!
If you're looking for speakers to address the subject of social media in government...
- Let us know that topics you're interested in having a speaker address.
- Let us know how else you'd like to help!
Stay tuned to...
- Help promote understanding of government social media practices by joining our Bureau.
- Help us build our directory structure, where you'll find speakers available to participate at your events.
Join the conversation on our wiki!
Liz Rosas is the e-Government Program Manager at Santa Clara County, CA, and a member of the Social Media Subcouncil. You can connect with her on GovLoop, Twitter, and email.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
GovSocMed Uses Delicious
If you do have a delicious account, you may share and suggest bookmarks to be added to the Social Media Subcouncil account. By adding "social_media_subcouncil" as a tag (without quotes) to bookmarks you feel are relevant, they can be immediately viewed by everyone at http://delicious.com/tag/social_media_subcouncil.
Note: please do not use the "for:social_media_subcouncil" tag, which places the link in the account inbox, and will not be visible to anyone but the account owner until accepted into the account. When you access http://delicious.com/tag/social_media_subcouncil you will see the aggregated results of all bookmarks in the Subcouncil's Delicious account, as well as any relevant links bookmarked by non-Council members.